Kites by
Maurizio Angeletti

A simple email is all that is needed. State what you are interested in and provide all the basic information. I will reply to you telling you whether the kite is in stock or, if not, how long it will take to make it and send it.
Payment can be made through PayPal by using the email address maurizioangelettikites@gmail.com
or by bank transfer using the following details:
IBAN: IT20K0760102400001059213353
Books are shipped through the Italian postal system which has proved to be completely reliable. So far all books have been delivered wihin a few days and none has gone missing or has been damaged.
Kites are shipped either through the same system or by carriers such as UPS (internationally) and Bartolini BRT (domestically).
Cost of materials keeps going up, and so do prices. The same applies to shipping costs: the cheapest service to send books to Europe, the United States or other countries still is quite expensive - frustrating!
Not much can be done about the books, but something can be done when shipping kites. For instance, if convenient for the recipients, they can be shipped without spars. This means lower shipping costs and, when applicable, lower taxes or duties due to the lower value of the goods.
Kite making is time consuming and there is no way to reduce construction times. At the same time I am constantly looking for sources of less expensive materials. When that happens, I try to reduce prices.
Hoops, lines, swivels and flying gloves will soon be available.
The Millestelle comes with its own flying bar and lines.
These always apply. Commonsense should be used and not discontinued: stay away from power lines, buildings and roads and you can't go wrong.